Washington Democrat Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Parents Have No Rights Over Their Kids
The War for our Children
If you thought the Democrats still had even a shred of respect for parental rights, Washington State Senate Majority Leader Jamie Pedersen (D) just set the record straight. This guy actually said, out loud, with a straight face:
"If they’re old enough to get pregnant, they’re old enough to make their own decisions about what happens with their bodies, and parents do not have the right to change that."
You read that correctly. According to one of the highest-ranking Democrats in Washington, if your 13-year-old daughter gets pregnant, you—the parent, the one who raised her, protected her, provided for her—have zero say in what happens next.
The War on Parental Rights Is No Longer a Conspiracy Theory
For years, conservatives have been warning that the radical left wants to dismantle the nuclear family and strip parents of their rights over their own children. Every time we brought it up, the Democrats rolled their eyes, called it a “right-wing conspiracy,” and dismissed it as fear-mongering.
Well, guess what? They just admitted it.
Jamie Pedersen—who, just to be clear, is not some fringe activist tweeting in their mom’s basement but the Senate Majority Leader of Washington State—just flat-out declared that parents should have no authority over their own children’s bodies.
That means, under this logic:
A 12-year-old can get an abortion without her parents knowing.
A 15-year-old can start taking hormone blockers behind their parents’ backs.
A minor can be funneled through a government-run system that encourages life-altering medical procedures before they can even legally drive a car.
Democrats always frame these conversations around “healthcare” and “bodily autonomy,” but the real goal is obvious—they want total control over your kids.
Parental Rights Are the Final Barrier to Government Control
If the state can override parents on something as life-changing as abortion or gender transition, what can’t they override them on?
Education? (They’re already doing it.)
Vaccinations? (Done.)
Political indoctrination in schools? (Happening every single day.)
Pedersen’s comments weren’t a gaffe—they were a mission statement. The radical left does not believe parents have any real authority over their own children. The state does.
This isn’t about protecting kids. If they cared about that, they wouldn’t be encouraging minors to make irreversible medical decisions without parental involvement. It’s about power. And if they have to destroy the family unit to get it, they’ll do it with a smile.
Enough Is Enough
Parents across America are waking up, and they’re furious. The Democrats spent years pretending they weren’t coming for your kids, and now they’re saying it out loud.
Jamie Pedersen just let the mask slip. And the best thing you can do as a parent, as a citizen, and as someone who actually gives a damn about protecting children?
Vote these lunatics out of power before they come for your family next.
Libs of Tiktok X Post
Sadly, Washington State passed 5599 in 2023, It provides $7.5m for "services" clearly stated: "(g)ender-affirming care services include, but are not limited to, evaluation and treatments for gender dysphoria, gender-affirming hormone therapy, and gender-affirming surgical procedures."
This, and it's companion bill, 5599 are 2 of the most evil pieces of legislation in the country!
#5599 Passed (In the middle of the night!)
Allow minors children to go to a youth home and receive protected health care, ie abortion and gender affirming care without notification of parents. Already legal in #WA state but this allows NO parental notification
1469 Passed 4/10/2023
Shield Law at request of Bob Ferguson makes #WA state a Sanctuary state for children from other states who have stricter laws regarding these procedures without any retaliation from those states.
These bills were overwhelmingly opposed by citizens of every political affiliation, although nobody in the #TriCities would know this due to lack of coverage by the #TriCityHerald, as compared to the non stop coverage of the Richland School Board members who "broke the law!" Thankfully, others are trying yo keep us informed. Who is behind the Trans Agenda, how did it start, who finances it and to what ends? Humans have always been a dimorphic species... that has not changed.